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    Merry Christmas ——耀华融科园圣诞节日庆祝活动


    2019 年 12 月 23 日

    10 : 00

    • Christmas is coming! The children of Yew Wah Rongke kindergarten took part in a variety of fun activities to celebrate the joy of Christmas.

      To start the day’s event, the foreign teachers put on a pantomime performance for the children. The performance was about the story of the Grinch by Dr. Seuss, and how he stole the Christmas joy from Whoville. Our Grinch stole the star from our tree, but was eventually made to give it back. The Grinch and the Teachers all get together to celebrate at the end! We believe everyone is important and everyone belongs to the YWIEK community.
      全体外教为孩子带来了精彩的默剧表演《The Grince stole Christmas from YWIEK》这是一个关于一个叫Grinch的调皮男孩偷走了Whoville的圣诞欢乐的故事。这一次,Grinch扯坏了大家精心布置的圣诞装饰,还偷走了圣诞树上的星星,但是在大家的请求中,他将星星还回来了。最后,耀华家人们不仅没有排斥Grinch,还邀请他和我们一起共度节日,我们相信,每一个人都应该被集体接纳,每一个人都重要。

      Ms Rhoda’s activity was all about Christmas food. The children were provided with some different fruit pieces and marshmallows to add to a cocktail stick to make a Santa Claus character. It was fun and delicious!
      Rhoda 老师为孩子们准备的活动是制作圣诞食物。孩子们自己拿起牙签串起不同的水果和棉花糖,做成一个可爱又美味的圣诞老人! 游戏有趣,食物好吃!

      Ms Zanna’s activity was all about Christmas craft. The children made some nice smelling soap to wrap up as small gifts, as well as some honey wax candles that they rolled up with a wick. The gifts we made were very colourful, and smelled good too!
      Zanna 老师为和孩子一起进行了圣诞手工——制作手工肥皂和蜡烛。有的孩子们选择制作香香的手工皂以后,再用漂亮的纸包起来;有孩子用蜂蜡块将蜡烛芯卷起来,做成纯天然的手工蜡烛,这两份礼物看起来色彩鲜艳,还带着好闻的香味。

      Ms Jovelyn’s activity was all about Christmas games. The children played Santa hat relay and musical hoops. When the music stops, find a hoop to stand in, or you’re out! We all had fun to see who could finish first. The K2 children took part in an activity where they had to stick Rudolph’s nose back on, blindfolded! It was lots of fun!
      Jovelyn 老师为大家准备的活动是节日小游戏——小朋友们玩圣诞帽接力游戏和音乐呼啦圈。当音乐停止时,小朋友需要找到一个呼啦圈站进去,不然就会被淘汰。在小朋友玩的过程中我们感受到了游戏带给孩子的乐趣。托班的小朋友们参加的游戏是蒙眼为麋鹿贴鼻子,游戏中充满了他们的欢声笑语。

      Mr Ricky’s activity was all about Christmas storytelling. The children listened to the story of the Grinch, and watched the actors on stage perform at the same time. December is a cold month so we can enjoy it by staying warm inside and sharing Christmas joy with heart-warming stories, while the smell of chestnuts and pinecones wafts through the house.
      Ricky 老师带领孩子们一起学习表演《The Grince stole Christmas from YWIEK》的故事,孩子们选择自己喜欢的角色,练习动作和台词。12月是一个寒冷的季节,西方人对圣诞节的记忆是人们一起待在暖暖的房间里,栗子和松果的香气在空气里弥漫;Ricky希望耀华的孩子们也能通过故事感受温暖有爱的圣诞节日氛围,通过Grinch的故事,体验圣诞的节日传统,比如一起装饰房间,通过关于爱的故事从心底里感受节日喜悦,希望这个故事给孩子们带去温暖。

      Mr James’s activity was all about Christmas photographs. The children were encouraged to dress up with various headwear to become some of their favourite Christmas characters. We had lots of reindeers, elves, Santas, and sparkly children. When the children were ready, they posed for a photograph by the fireplace. Say TREES!
      James 老师为孩子们搭建了一个圣诞照相馆,孩子们用各种圣诞装饰品装扮成自己喜欢的圣诞节的角色。许多的麋鹿,天使,圣诞老人,全身装饰着亮晶晶的饰品的孩子们和James老师一起在炉火旁拍照,一起说“tree”,留下温暖美好圣诞节纪念。

      We hope you all have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!