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    YWIEK-RK Parents meetings

    School News

    10 Oct, 2017

    10 : 00

    • During 25th September 2017 to 28th September 2017, YWIEK-RK parents meetings have been held successfully for the new semester. We expect through this meeting, all our parents can have better understanding of the Yew Wah’ s education philosophy and strengthen communications and cooperation between parents and kindergarten.

      Principal Wang introduced the importance and specific goals of Yew Wah Character Education. She shared the new activities facilities and optimization of logistics service with parents.

      Principal Wang and the curriculum coordinator Sarah carried out different themes parents’ workshops. By participating in group discussions, interactive games, and experience sharing, parents are more aware of what Yew Wah is doing, why we do so, and how to make joint efforts for children’s happy childhood.

      The class teachers prepared photos, videos and interactive games for parents to help the parents to know class status, and introduced the new semester plan, objectives and cooperation in the classroom.

      The first semester parent-meeting concluded with success. Thanks to the parents' attention and participation. Children’s progresses rely on teachers’ endeavor and parents’ support. Let’s collaborate together for the good of our children’s development.